Funyula Team
I am Judith Ayienga. I am married with three children, two boys and one girl. Since I was trained in ABCs Sex Education I have educated schools, churches, Chief’s Barasas and other groups about HIV prevention education. I hope to get educational opportunities to use creative methods to grow the ABCs.
My name is Sarah Ayuma Juma. I am married with four children, three girls and one boy. I was trained at Ember in the ABCs HIV Prevention Sex Education. We visit grandchildren and grandparent groups, as well as community youth groups and adult men and women.
I am Harrison O Maji. I am married with six children, three boys and three girls. In addition to being an ABC Sex Educator, I am an ordained church minister in the Anglican Church of Kenya, trained at St Philip’s Bible College. I am also trained in counseling, conflict management and resolution. We visit all locations in our Samia district, including schools, churches, Chief’s Barasas, and various groups in the community.
I am Immaculate Oduory. I am married and I have six children, two boys and four girls. I was trained in Ember as an ABCs HIV Prevention Sex Educator. We are now educating people about HIV, how it is spread, as well as how they can live positively or negatively. We also teach how to prevent HIV, including how to use condoms.